[Xinjiang: Cotton production remained stable. Sales of cotton seeds in northern Xinjiang decreased year-on-year]
Release date:[2021/3/31] A total of reading[357]time

According to industry analysts, Xinjiang’s cotton planting area will remain stable this year. First, cotton planting habits have been formed over the years, and the climate and water and soil conditions are suitable; second, with the increase in scientific planting and mechanization, the labor intensity will decrease and the benefits of cotton planting will be higher Good; third, the number of downstream processing companies has increased, the acquisition is active, and the sales of seed cotton are booming.

At present, spring planting is getting closer and closer. There are still a small number of local farmers who have not yet purchased new cotton seeds. They are in a wait-and-see hesitation stage. The main reason is that the prices of corn and other crops have been relatively good since last year. Land rotation and stubble to reduce the occurrence of pests and diseases. A certain agricultural material distributor in northern Xinjiang reported that the cotton seed sales he managed this year were lower than the same period last year, while the southern Xinjiang Bazhou and other places were relatively stable.

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