[How much do you know about polyester spinning machines?]
Release date:[2021/4/7] A total of reading[318]time

The spinning method of polyester is melting. Acrylic and vinylon will thermally decompose when they reach the melting temperature, so they are not suitable for melt spinning and can only be used for solution spinning; while the thermal decomposition temperature of polyester and nylon is much higher than their melting temperature, so melt spinning can be carried out.

Acrylic fiber: thermal decomposition temperature 200~250℃, melting point up to 320℃

Vinylon: decomposition temperature 200~220℃, melting temperature 225~230℃

Are there other ways to spin polyester? Of course, but compared to cost, working environment, pollution and other reasons, so choose melting.

The melting equipment is simple, the working environment is good, and the pollution is small.

When polyester is spinning, as long as heat is transferred, mass transfer is not required, and there is no solvent, so melt spinning can be used, which is the reason for the process.

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